Generative AI in Banking: Future of Artificial Intelligence in Banking

Generative AI in Banking Future of Artificial Intelligence in Banking
Generative AI in Banking Future of Artificial Intelligence in Banking

Generative AI in Banking: Future of Artificial Intelligence in Banking – Key Notes

  • AI in banking enhances transaction volumes, efficiency, and customer services using ML, NLP, and computer vision.
  • It propels risk management, fraud detection, and operational efficiency, shifting towards generative AI for innovation.
  • Banks invest heavily in AI for future growth, focusing on customer experience, trading algorithms, and back-office automation.
  • Challenges include integrating AI with legacy systems, regulatory compliance, and workforce skills.
  • AI promises significant cost savings and operational improvements, redefining banking services to meet digital-age expectations.

New Era of Banks

As we stand on the precipice of a digital revolution, AI in banking has metamorphosed from a futuristic concept into an indispensable reality. In my exploration of this dynamic sector, I’ve witnessed firsthand the unbelievable power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as it transforming the financial landscape with unparalleled precision and efficiency.

Banks are now harnessing AI to exponentially increase transaction volumes, all while maintaining their current workforce and leveraging vast data repositories to elevate every aspect of banking operations.

The integration of AI and Machine Learning (ML), natural language processing, and computer vision is changing the services to customers and how employees interact, driving forward a new era of convenience and sophistication in financial operations.

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Turning the page to what lies ahead, we delve into an era where the adoption of generative AI within banking is not just an anticipation but a tangible driver of growth, improved decision-making, and meticulous risk management.

Now we’ll explore the compelling use cases of AI in banking, delving into how technologies such as AI and blockchain are joining forces to ensure secure and transparent banking transactions.

While the projected global spending on AI soars to new heights, with banking as a leading industry, it’s clear that the future of AI in banking is synonymous with innovation.

However, amidst this optimistic embrace of use AI, we remain vigilant of the challenges, particularly in upholding data security and ethical practices, ensuring that this powerful tool safeguards as much as it empowers.

Join as we navigate through the current and future landscapes where use of AI is not just an option, but a quintessential cornerstone for many banks and many financial services companies, propelling us towards a smarter, more intuitive banking experience.

The Evolution of AI in Banking and Finance

As we’ve seen AI in banking evolve, the breadth and depth of its impact on the banking industry have grown remarkably. Initially, financial institutions turned to traditional AI for its proficiency in risk management, fraud prevention, and enhancing customer retention. These early applications of AI laid the groundwork for a more sophisticated integration of using new technologies that now permeates virtually every facet of retail banking:

  • AI Risk Management and Loss Mitigation: Banks leverage ML to sift through massive data sets, analyzing patterns that AI helps banks to predict and mitigate risks. By anticipating potential losses before they occur, financial institutions can proactively safeguard themselves and their customers.
  • Fraud Detection: AI’s real-time analysis capabilities are particularly effective in identifying and preventing fraudulent activities. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning models are continually trained on the latest data to spot anomalies, ensuring that security measures evolve as quickly as the tactics employed by fraudsters.
  • Operational Efficiency: From chatbots that handle customer inquiries to AI-driven algorithms that execute trades, artificial intelligence is streamlining operations. Back-office tasks such as data entry, document processing, and reconciliatory functions are handled with increased precision and at a fraction of the time, leading to reduce cost.

Yet, as we stride into the future, the spotlight shifts towards generative AI. By employing generative models, banks are not just automating existing processes but innovating new banking products and services that were previously unimaginable. This evolution represents a shift from AI as a tool for optimization to a source of creation, driving earnings growth and enhanced decision-making.

When we look at the financial commitment banks are putting into AI, we’re greeted with staggering figures. With global spending on Artificial Intelligence projected to reach $166 billion in 2023, the banking sector is at the forefront, expected to funnel up to $450 billion into AI by 2027.

This investment underscores the critical role that AI solutions will play in banking for years to come.

Banks are currently in an extensive testing phase with generative AI models, setting the stage for an enterprise-wide deployment that will revolutionize customer interactions yet again. Here are some key areas of banks need to focus:

  • Customer Experience: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants have become the norm for the first line of customer interaction. By providing personalized solutions around the clock, these AI systems enhance customer satisfaction and reduce operational costs.
  • Trading Algorithms: In the realm of high finance, AI-driven trading algorithms now execute trades with unmatched speed, utilizing advanced predictive models to spot profitable opportunities before human traders can blink an eye.
  • Back-Office Automation: The back-office, once a labyrinth of manual paperwork, now sees a streamlined efficiency thanks to AI. By shouldering the burden of routine tasks, AI enables employees to focus on more complex, value-adding activities.

However, the journey towards AI maturity in banking is not without its obstacles. Banks face challenges, including deploy AI into legacy systems, ensuring regulatory compliance, and overcoming the skill gap in the workforce.

Moreover, while the potential cost savings are significant – with AI possibly saving North American banks up to $70 billion by 2025 – the success of AI implementations often hinges on a banking institutions’ ability to improve their data practices and encourage enterprise-wide adoption.

In conclusion, as banks embrace AI surveys to drive business process automation and predictive analytics, the sector stands on the brink of a paradigm shift. Not only will banking institutions enhance their operational efficiency, decision-making, and compliance, but also transform their service offerings to meet the high expectations of the digital age customer.

Despite challenges, the strategic management of digital identities and careful investment in AI capabilities are setting the stage for a future wherein finance professionals must be prepared to leverage AI as a cornerstone of competitive strategy.
With AI services and products, the banking world is not only poised for change but for a leap into an era of unprecedented financial service innovation.

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Customer Experience

In the transformative journey of AI in banking, we’ve noticed a significant uptick in customer satisfaction, crediting the intelligent and personalized experiences facilitated by artificial intelligence. AI banking isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a commitment to intuitive, seamless, and rapid service delivery that aligns perfectly with consumer expectations of the modern era.

With my involvement in the sector, it’s been rewarding to observe how AI-driven processes are credited for redefining the customer experience.

The prowess of AI in banking lies in its capacity to sift through vast datasets instantaneously—a feat that supersedes human capabilities.

Machines excel in recognizing patterns and extracting insights from complex data, tailoring these findings to cater to customer preferences. This real-time data analysis is not just about immediate insights; it’s a sophisticated strategy enabling us to anticipate and meet customer needs proactively. Particularly, predictive analysis harnesses historical data to forecast trends and customer behaviours, ensuring that financial services are always ten steps ahead.

Moreover, the advent of AI-powered virtual assistants has placed banks in the palm of the customer’s hand, accessible and responsive, around the clock.

Here are some ways through which AI is reshaping the customer experience in the banking sector:

  • Comprehensive data management by AI leads to more personalized product recommendations, translating complex customer data into tailored financial advice. We’ve transitioned into a space where every service is customized, reflecting the unique financial journey of each client.
  • Applications are not only about improving customer experiences. They’ve been instrumental in optimizing costs and operational efficiencies, thereby providing consistently superior customer service. AI across banking touchpoints has been pivotal in cementing trust and cultivating intelligent interactions built on actual customer behaviours.
  • The personal touch: A single, holistic view of each customer enables us to understand their life stages and needs. By curating personalized responses and services, the technology ensures that customers feel valued and understood. This attention to detail is paramount since, as recent surveys suggest, a comfortable 69% of consumers are open to receiving AI-based advice in the financial sector—signifying a shift in consumer trust towards machine-led financial guidance.

In culmination, what these AI-driven advances forecast is a landscape where by 2025, an overwhelming 95% of our interactions with customers will be mediated by AI.

A figure that doesn’t merely hint at the future of AI in banking, but rather, at a new dawn of enduring customer relationships fostered through man-made satisfaction—a future we are not just anticipating but actively crafting with each AI-powered stride we take in our banking operations.

Adopting AI for Fraud Detection and Risk Management Help Banks

In our continuous quest to bolster the integrity of financial systems, AI in banking has emerged as a stalwart guardian against fraud and a sagacious manager of risk.

The proactive stance we’ve taken in the adoption of AI technologies reflects a profound commitment to safeguarding customer trust and ensuring the security of financial transactions.

As of 2022, according to McKinsey, over half of financial institutions have reinforced their defenses with AI, reflecting its pivotal role in fraud detection and risk management.

Our utilization of Machine Learning in banking algorithms is at the heart of AI’s prowess in distinguishing between genuine and fraudulent transactions. These sophisticated models are endowed with the capability to self-learn and adapt, analyzing reams of historical data to identify and evolving alongside the intricate patterns of fraudulent behavior.

This dynamic learning process is critical as it enables us to swiftly authenticate payments and arm analysts with actionable insights that are both accurate and timely:

  • By analyzing the details of customer transactions, including the intricacies of email subject lines and content, ML algorithms can pinpoint fraudulent activity, drastically reducing instances of identity theft and phishing attacks.
  • The establishment of ‘purchase profiles’ allows our AI-driven systems to detect and flag transactions that deviate markedly from established customer patterns, thus maintaining vigilance over each customer’s financial journey.
  • In seeking to optimize the customer experience, AI strategically minimizes false positives. This precision ensures that the fluidity of legitimate transactions is maintained without relaxing the robust defenses against fraud.AI’s seamless integration with risk management not only sharpens our fraud detection capabilities but also aligns with stringent data governance regulations, thereby diminishing the exposure to regulatory fines. These AI-based anti-fraud tools are meticulously engineered to detect nascent signs of identity theft by scrutinizing changes in passwords and contact details. They meticulously compare established customer patterns with those of fraudulent entities to unveil any disparities:
  • Any deviation in spending, even when fraudsters closely imitate buyer behavior, does not elude the keen eye of analytics and AI, which assiduously learns the intricacies of personal expenditure patterns.
  • For documents requiring an additional layer of authentication, our AI systems are skilled at recognizing the nuances in signatures, enabling them to detect forgeries by familiarizing themselves with the individual patterns of each signatory.

As we project ourselves into the future and envision the trajectory of AI in banking, the benefits of real-time detection, unerring accuracy, and the ongoing education of AI systems stand out as transformative enhancements in our fight against fraud and mismanagement.

The digitization of financial services, complemented by the rigorous application of artificial intelligence in banking, positions us at the forefront of an industry ripe for innovation and unyielding in its pursuit of security and trust.

Deploy AI for Operational Efficiency and Cost Reduction

In our pursuit of excellence and efficiency in the arena of AI in banking and financial services industry, we’re tapping into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence to drive down costs and streamline operations.

At the core of this efficiency drive is the earnest adoption of automation tools, deployment of AI applications, and process improvements that work in concert to deliver operational excellence.

As we implement AI and innovation hand-in-hand, here’s how we’re making significant strides:

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Our adoption of RPA has been instrumental in taking over routine, high-volume tasks, significantly reducing the time and manpower required. For example, in account opening processes, RPA facilitates the verification of customer data against multiple systems, thereby reducing human intervention. The hours saved translate directly into cost reductions and allow our workforce to engage in more complex, value-driven tasks.
  • Error Reductions Through Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing: Our commitment to delivering flawless service has led us to deploy machine learning algorithms and natural language processing. These powerful AI tools are designed to minimize errors in tasks like customer documentation and data entry. A reduction in human error not only saves cost but also enhances the reputation of our bank.
  • Enhanced Decision Making with AI: With AI on our side, every lending decision is infused with finely-tuned risk assessments based on behaviors and patterns. This predictive analysis ensures safer and more profitable outcomes, avoiding the pitfalls of misplaced loans.

Our substantial investment in AI technology is already bearing fruit as we see significant operational savings. The integration of AI could add value into our customer support with chatbots operating 24/7 has not only elevated the banking experience for our customers but has reduced the workload on our staff, allowing them to concentrate on more strategic initiatives.

Deloitte reports that by implementing AI chatbots, banks can save 22% in costs by 2030 with operational cost savings projected to reach $7.3 billion globally by 2023 – figures that demonstrate the fiscal prudence of embracing AI in banking.

AI in banking also stands as a beacon of regulatory compliance and fraud detection. By constantly monitoring transactions and customer behavior, and by rigorously auditing information against compliance and regulatory systems, AI helps reinforce our commitment to impeccable compliance standards, sidestepping the hefty fines linked to regulatory breaches.

In addition, the introduction of machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision has enabled us to handle a higher volume of interactions and transactions without increasing headcounts.

Financial services are now witnessing a surge in capacity—estimated at a 2-5X increase—while maintaining the same staffing levels. This efficiency is not merely about cost saving; it’s about sculpting a resilient, responsive financial institution that’s prepared for the future of artificial intelligence in banking.

By passionately embracing these AI initiatives, we are not just future-proofing our operations but also redefining what it means to be a customer-centric, innovative participant in the banking industry.

Compliance and Regulatory Adherence of Generative AI Usage in Banking Sector

In our continual endeavor to redefine AI in today’s banking, a critical component that has been remarkably transformed is compliance and regulatory adherence. Through the integration of AI and advanced analytics, we have lightened the regulatory load significantly, enabling more effective and efficient management of sanctions. This digital evolution is not just a matter of convenience but also a strategic move that keeps us ahead of compliance requirements.

The operational benefits of this technology are manifold and profound:

  • Accuracy and Efficiency: AI-driven systems enhance the precision of our compliance activities with their ability to monitor and analyze regulatory updates in real-time. The speed with which these systems adapt to new regulations ensures that we are always operating in concert with the latest compliance requirements. This aspect is especially crucial given the rapid evolution of financial policies and the dire consequences of non-adherence.
  • Automation and Predictive Capabilities: The automation of repetitive compliance tasks has been revolutionary, with machine learning models predicting potential breaches by assigning likelihood scores. By automating compliance processes, AI supports predictive capabilities, data visualization, and real-time monitoring, which reduces the risk of human error substantially. Moreover,  AI can automate transaction monitoring, KYC verification, risk assessment, and regulatory text analysis, creating a comprehensive compliance defense system.
  • Data Management and Analysis: With AI technologies such as Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, and Robotic Process Automation at our disposal, we have the ability to analyze vast volumes of transactions within seconds, adeptly identifying any suspicious activities. Habitually, this process improves risk management, reduces false positives, and prevents fraud more efficiently than ever before.

Nevertheless, with the advent of AI in financial services, the industry is presented with new challenges. While AI/ML technologies can refine the integrity and stability of the financial system, they could pose unique risks if not managed correctly. And it’s imperative to address concerns about the potential digital divide between advanced and developing economies due to the adoption of these technologies. We remain committed to mitigating data bias, ensuring transparency, and considering ethical implications as we leverage AI for compliance.

Our approach to leveraging AI in the banking industry strictly adheres to the principle of continuous improvement and vigilance. We’ve reaped benefits such as financial deepening and efficiency but are also mindful of the broader implications for the sector. Ultimately, in the world of AI bank applications, it is paramount to keep the human element attuned to the ethics and responsibilities that come with such power and capability. This delicate balance between the cutting-edge technology of AI in digital banking and the timeless values of trustworthiness and reliability will characterize the ongoing success and sustainability of the banking and AI collaboration.

The Future of AI in Banking

Embarking on the journey toward the future of AI in banking, we stand at the cusp of a transformation dictated not only by technological advancement but also by consumer expectations and operational imperatives. A staggering 86% of financial service providers are AI adopters and confident in the critical role AI will play in the imminent success of their business ventures, underscoring the urgency with which we navigate the incorporation of artificial intelligence into the banking sector.

Within our grasp is the power of AI to:

  • Enhance Operational Efficiencies: AI is set to streamline complex banking operations, refine decision-making processes, and deliver services that are not only personalized but also dispensed in a timely manner [2].
  • Drive Customer-Centric Services: Employing cognitive technologies, AI is embedding itself in trending banking applications to meet the soaring consumer demand for customization, enrich customer service through round-the-clock chatbots, and strengthen the foundation of customer satisfaction.
  • Evolve With the Banking Landscape: The pragmatic use of machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing imitates nuanced human intelligence, offering a critical analytic lens to dissect and leverage data for improved banking services.

As we architect the blueprint for AI in banking, it is incumbent upon us to acknowledge and surmount the challenges these innovations present.

Concerns such as upgrading confusion, stringent governments use their regulatory authority, and the existing workforce’s training stand as hurdles on our path.

However, our calculated journey towards becoming an AI-forward industry entails the following strategies:

  • Architecting Robust AI Strategies: Pivoting from mere usage of AI capabilities to transforming into an AI-centric firm involves defining use cases driven by business value, experimenting with prototypes, and readying for strategic alignment.
  • Building with Governance in Mind: Focusing on risks and ethics, we’re exploring new partnerships with confidence, examining our approach through a lens that is cognizant of the fine balance between innovation and control.
  • Optimizing for Scale: Our roadmap includes evolving from the “nice-to-have” AI talent list to a “must-have,” fostering human expertise to guide the adaptive technology and operating models required for enterprise deployment.

Simultaneously, it is predictive that by 2030, AI could generate over $1 trillion in savings for banks and financial institutions, revealing an unequivocal financial incentive that aligns with the operational and consumer-centric benefits.

Moreover, we are evaluating how AI can drive more targeted, insightful, and efficient financial services that prioritize customer preferences, leading to product recommendations and service offerings that resonate on an individual level.

Our ambition extends beyond the ordinary; AI promises to revolutionize user experiences, enabling customers to converse with their bank accounts effortlessly, dovetailing technology and human ingenuity to fulfill the promise of AI in banking.

In executing this vision, banks must stay steadfast in developing strategies that interweave diverse AI capabilities with their operational fabric. Committing to a future enriched by AI, banks are positioning themselves to unlock unparalleled value, reinforcing the narrative that artificial intelligence is an indispensable ally in sculpting the avant-garde of banking.

Use Cases – Examples of AI Capabilities in Banking Sector

At the heart of our digital banking transformation, AI has surfaced as a beacon of innovation, with its capabilities permeating the breadth of banking operations.

We’re witnessing an unprecedented influx of AI-powered tools that are not just bridging gaps but creating a paradigm shift in how banking services are delivered and perceived.

  • Enhancing Customer Service through AI: Taking the lead in customer service innovation, institutions like Ally Financial have embraced their machine-learning-based chatbot while Capital One’s Eno offers 24/7 support to answer queries, address concerns, and guide customers through their financial journeys. This AI banking adoption has raised the bar for customer interaction, ensuring personalized user experiences and rapid, accurate responses, all readily accessible at any time.
  • Streamlining Operations with Robotic Process Automation (RPA): The operational bedrock of the banking industry has been fortified with RPA, automating time-consuming tasks like manual data entry and document processing. The ripple effect is a reduction in banking errors and a boost in the effectiveness of operations, propelling RPA to a pivotal position in the pursuit of operational excellence in AI in banking.
  • Detecting Fraud with an Astute AI Eye: AI algorithms exemplify vigilance by meticulously analyzing transactional data and monitoring customer behavior to identify potential fraud. These systems excel in distinguishing authentic transactions from suspicious ones, offering an invaluable layer of security to both the bank and its patrons.
  • Regulatory Compliance through Automated Tracking: Ensuring compliance with various financial regulations is a task AI performs with finesse. By automating the tracking of transactions and generating compliance reports, AI for banking reinforces the accuracy and reliability required in today’s financial governance landscape.

Moreover, sophisticated AI’s predictive analytics prowess is reshaping risk management in the financial sector:

  • Predictive and Calculative AI in Risk Management: With sophisticated algorithms, AI for banks conducts detailed predictive analytics, estimating the probability of defaults and market fluctuations. This precision allows for risk models that fortify the bank’s defenses against unforeseen financial turbulence.
  • Project ‘Next Best Offer’: At Deutsche Bank, AI’s pivotal role as a financial advisor’s aide is exemplified through the ‘Next Best Offer’ project, which harnesses algorithmic power to recommend favorable funds, bonds, or shares for customers, thereby minimizing risks while maximizing potential returns.

Transcending the conventional boundaries, AI is carving out new processes for using banks to perpetrate financial crimes:

  • AI’s ‘Black Forest’ Model is a testament to our relentless fight against criminal activities in finance, efficiently vetting transactions, and alerting account managers to any suspicious activity, thus serving as a diligent overseer in the banking ecosystem.
  • Machine Learning’s Role in Compliance Preparation: Preparing for the European Union’s impending 2023 regulation, machine learning models are poised to play a important role in transaction classification, significantly unburdening customer advisors by efficiently parsing through transactions to identify those that comply (marked as ‘green’) with the new standards.
  • Generative AI’s Foray into Banking: Embarking on the transformative journey with generative AI, we’re unlocking its potential to quickly and cost-effectively create hyper-personalized financial products and services. This advancement also promises to accelerate aspects such as software engineering, IT migration, and legacy system modernization—crucial for staying abreast of the evolving technological demands.

As we continue to test these generative AI models, our commitment is reflected in the significant investments made to ensure that the innovations they sprout are closely aligned with specific business needs, promising incremental yet impactful outcomes in AI and banking.

These examples underscore the versatility and intrinsic value AI brings to the banking industry, affirming our conviction that artificial intelligence in banking isn’t merely a supporting player but the vanguard of a new financial services frontier.

Through our unwavering embrace of AI, we’re not just witnessing the future of banking – we’re actively constructing it.

Conclusion – Benefits of AI in Banking

In conclusion, the Artificial Intelligence’s transformative impact on the banking and financial area is not just reshaping customer interactions and operations, but heralding a new era of efficiency and security.

The use cases outlined herein attest to AI’s role in enhancing quality of products and services, streamlining processes, and fortifying defenses against fraud—all while ensuring strict compliance with regulatory standards.

As we have explored, using ai technologies lies in its potential to augment human capability, optimizing the financial landscape to better meet the demands and challenges of the digital age.

While AI’s trajectory in the banking sector is laden with the need for strategic oversight and ethical considerations, its integration stands as a testament to innovation’s pivotal role in driving industry advancement.

The implications of these advancements are profound, signaling a significant shift in how financial services and products operate and engage with customers. Banks and financial institutions looking to the future must continue to adopt, refine, and leverage AI technologies, ensuring that they remain competitive and responsive to the evolving needs of clients in a rapidly digitalizing world.


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): A field of computer science dedicated to creating systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, including learning, decision-making, and problem-solving.
  • Machine Learning (ML): A subset of AI involving algorithms that enable computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data.
  • Risk Management in Banking: A practice banks undertake to identify, assess, manage, and control potential financial losses and threats.
  • Customer Experience in Banking: The sum of all interactions and experiences customers have with a bank, from using online banking services to interacting with customer service.
  • AI Fraud Detection: The use of AI technologies, including machine learning, to identify and prevent fraudulent activities in banking and financial transactions.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Technology that allows businesses to automate routine tasks with bots, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is AI in Banking?
    AI in banking refers to the application of artificial intelligence technologies to improve financial services, including customer service, fraud detection, and operational efficiency.
  2. How does AI improve customer experience in banking?
    AI enhances banking customer experience by offering personalized services, 24/7 customer support through chatbots, and tailored financial advice.
  3. What role does AI play in fraud detection in banking?
    AI significantly aids in fraud detection by analyzing transaction patterns in real-time to identify and prevent fraudulent activities.
  4. Can AI in banking improve operational efficiency?
    Yes, AI improves operational efficiency by automating routine tasks, reducing errors, and freeing up human resources for more complex tasks.
  5. How does machine learning contribute to AI in banking?
    Machine Learning algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to make predictions, enhance decision-making, and improve services in banking.
  6. What challenges do banks face when implementing AI?
    Challenges include integrating AI with legacy systems, ensuring data security, regulatory compliance, and upskilling employees.
  7. How does AI contribute to risk management in banking?
    AI enhances risk management by predicting potential financial losses and identifying threats through data analysis.
  8. What is the future of AI in banking?
    The future of AI in banking includes more personalized banking experiences, innovative financial products, and enhanced security measures.
  9. How does AI affect regulatory compliance in banking?
    AI helps banks meet regulatory compliance more efficiently by automating compliance monitoring and reporting.
  10. What is the impact of AI on banking costs and savings?
    AI reduces operational costs and enhances efficiency, potentially saving banks significant amounts of money.

Laszlo Szabo / NowadAIs

As an avid AI enthusiast, I immerse myself in the latest news and developments in artificial intelligence. My passion for AI drives me to explore emerging trends, technologies, and their transformative potential across various industries!


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